Guy #1 Picks: Week 3 Recap

September 23, 2021

by — Posted in Gambling, Sports

Okay… time to face the music. I had a bad Week 3. 6-7 is bad. You hate to lose 1.75 units in a day and watch your win percentage on the year fall to 55%. BUMMED

But……………… I had an amazing time in Vegas last weekend so I already forgot about it! 1.75u was probably one of the cheapest things I did all weekend. And here’s the best part, I don’t regret a single thing. Not often can you say that after a trip to Vegas.

Anyways… I’ll stop gloating after a losing weekend and get after it with a recap. I kept it short since I was typing pool-side last time and I kinda liked it. I think I’ll do it again.

P.S. I’m about to start working funky hours with limited time off so you probably won’t catch a weekly post explaining my picks. I’ll still be gambling, just not posting. If you want to keep an eye on my picks, check out my Action App page.

FDC : Oklahoma -22 – L

Still not betting Nebraska. May have to keep an eye on them as a potential under team. Defense looked good.

Cincinnati -3.5 – W

I got to have my cheese and eat it too on this one. You love to see it.

FDC: West Virginia -3 – W

West Virginia was for sure the right side here. Just got a little sweaty at the end when they tried to give my money away.

Miami Florida -6 – L

Okay. I changed my mind on this one. Miami is confirmed fake. I stand by my hot take on MSU.

FDC: Alabama Vrs Florida O59. – W

I love points. Thank you Florida for holding your own and some in this game. Needed it.

FDC: Eastern Michigan -17 – L

UMass stinks. EMU is dead to me.

Kent State Vrs Iowa U56.5 – W

I was dead right on this one. Easy under. This was my shoulda-coulda-woulda pick of the week.

Mississippi State Vrs Memphis U64 – W

Okay. I was right on this one. I may have been sweating out a 2-pt conversion at the end of the game. But this game deserved to go under. Stupid refs.

Marshal -10 – L

Seemed like the right pick at the time.

Florida International +20 – L

Tech kicked my ass on this one… sorry I was a hater.

FDC: Auburn Vrs Penn State O53 – L

I like points. I hate goal-line fades. You will never convince me that they’re a good thing.

Air Force -8 – L

Seemed like the right pick at the time.

BYU +4 – W

The Big 12 does in fact rule.