Coming Soon: Shed Songs

September 17, 2022

by — Posted in Gambling

You may remember an old G1 blog telling you how much I love a good pump up song. I was perusing the site and it got me thinking… Who (of the 10s of people who reads my posts) cares about the reasoning behind my picks? Most of the time it is me following the model or overriding it with my gut. Most importantly… I’M NOT A PROFESIONAL GAMBLER. YOU SHOULDN’T TAIL MY PICKS. I’M JUST A SPORTS FAN WITH A SHED. (Attn: G2. You happy how, lawyer?) I had a great 2020 with the model, a bad 2021, so who knows what 2022 has in store? Although my gambling account has more money in it that I started with (humble brag, no new deposits, not a big deal) (but also kind of a big deal) who knows how many deposits I may make in the future? Could be zero, could be a number I wouldn’t want Shed First Lady to know about.

But here’s what the 10s and 10s of you should do…. ROOT FOR THE SHED (unless we’re head to head. Then you can just pick your favorite). So from here on out, instead of explaining why I like a pick, trying to fit a Bernie Sanders callback in my blog every week, or telling you to trust the model, I’m going to let you ride the emotional rollercoaster with me.

What better way to do that than with a song. Each week, I’ll post my picks and tell you what song I plan to play in the Shed when it cashes. I might even tell you why I selected that song for the pick. Lets start with tonight’s pick:

Air Force TT O31 – Levitating (feat. DaBaby) by Dua Lipa

What better song to start with than my girl Dua. Like Jack Harlow said ”I’m tryin’ do more with her than just a feature.” This one is a great pump up song. Perfect for the car ride to the bar and also for Air Force to quite literally run all over a stinky Wyoming team. I can picture it now… the Shed Heads stepping in unison. “Let’s go, left foot, right foot, levitatin”

Now….. There is a non-zero chance that I lose a game or two. I’ve gotcha covered on that one. I decided to make these constant throughout the year. The only change will be based on unit size.

The big boys (3+ units) – Breakeven by The Script

The saddest of sad songs. IMO. I’ll be pretty down for these Ls so this was the only fitting song I could think of.

Bootstrap time (2 units) – Love me Again by John Newman

This one starts off slow and dark but picks up. Just the attitude you need when you lose one of these.

We’ll be alright (1 units) – Where We Are by The Lumineers

This one’s a new song so I’m not sure what it’s really about. But they do tell ya it’ll be okay a bunch and that makes it all feel better.

Who’s ready to sing along with the Shed?