Front Door Cup: Week 12 Recap

Okay so the Guys are kinda limping into the home stretch. A few too many trips capped by a trip to Vegas that included all the Guys favorites can really take it out of ya. Even though the blogs have […]

Front Door Cup: Week 12

Week 11 was the week that never was… While week 12 is the week that barely was… Vegas took a toll on the guys so you’re not getting our best writing this week. Who cares about the writing though when […]

Shed Songs: Week 9

I feel great about the card this week. Yeah I know… you’re always supposed to feel good about your picks otherwise you shouldn’t pick it in the first place. We all know that’s not how it goes. I feel a […]

FDC Week 8 Recap

If you just made a quick glance at the results you wouldn’t get the full picture. You wouldn’t see the absolute force South Carolina was. Alabama dismantled Mississippi State in the first half, and TCU was just playing with Kstate. […]

Shed Songs: Week 8

Remember when I went on and on about a tailgate for G2 & G3… that’s this week. Sorry to all the IRS accountants I sent on the wrong trail two weeks ago. The Guys will be GIOOYSAOC’ing this weekend. If […]