Front Door Cup: Week 4

I couldn’t decide between my two ideas on how to start the Week 4 picks post, so I am going to use them both. 5-0? FIVE AND OH? Who is this guy? What a week three for G2. Alt Opening: […]

Shed Songs: Week 3

Whelp… We heard our first song of the year in the shed last night and it wasn’t a good one. Here’s the playlist for today’s winners: FDC: Oklahoma -10.5 – A Tornado Warning by Turnpike Troubadours Turnpike Troubadours playing after […]

Coming Soon: Shed Songs

You may remember an old G1 blog telling you how much I love a good pump up song. I was perusing the site and it got me thinking… Who (of the 10s of people who reads my posts) cares about […]

FDC Week 2 Picks

After 1 week everyone still has a shot to paint their legacy on the door. Vibes are high and the gambling account still has money in it. Week 2 historically is a snoozer but this week features big non-conference games […]